About Us
As a crewmember, are you tired of waiting days to receive money for a job you’ve already done? Would you be interested in letting companies know you’re available for work on your days off? Do you forget those License expiration dates that sneak up on you, preventing you from making an income for your family because, by the time you remember, it’s too late?
If you answered yes to all these questions, Riverbank Professionals is what you need. We work hard with multiple companies to ensure every boat is crewed. Typically, crewing dispatchers struggle with finding crewmembers early morning or late night; it’s nothing short of a headache.
Fortunately, with our assistance, everything will run smoothly with the click of a button. Not only do we offer graded service, but we also have the most updated bells and whistles every towboater needs to keep at their disposal. If you want to work a little extra, just flip the switch.
If you need more reasons to sign up for a free account, we offer all information in one place. It includes tide and current tables, river stages, wind gauges, weather updates, and much more.
How We Renew
Your Captain’s License

Get Notified
We’ll notify you when it’s time to renew your paperwork. This way, you won’t be at risk of being unable to provide for yourself and your family.

Confirm Information
Once we receive your confirmation message, we’ll contact you to ask for additional information.

Schedule Physical
After you file the paperwork, we’ll work with you to schedule a Coast Guard Physical with the closest physician.

Sign the Paperwork
We’ll get the paperwork in order, make sure everything’s correct, and send it to you. Then, once you’ve confirmed, send it back to us.

Send the Paperwork
Once we receive the documents, we’ll ask for payment to process them and send them out for delivery.

Stay in the Loop
We’ll provide updates to help you stay informed on your license renewal process.

Track Your License
When everything is confirmed and ready to be sent, we’ll provide you with a tracking number and charge you for the service.

Get Your New License
We’ll restart the alert process once you receive your license in the mail. And we’ll contact you again six months before your license, or other documents are about to expire.
Why Choose Us?
Because We Do It All
Are you a crewmember looking for extra work and want to receive payment instantly? Perhaps you received a phone call in the morning about a crew change and need a crewmember quickly on the boat. Regardless of the reason, Riverbank Professionals can ease your burdens. We developed this platform specifically for those serving in the marine industry.
Our website will allow companies to access up-to-date information, such as the details of the person they’re hiring, the grading scale, and reviews from other companies. Similarly, if crewmembers are looking for extra work, they’ll have access to the company details, fleet information, docks, bridges, locking status, and other marine data. They will also be able to renew their licenses and medical cards with the click of a button. This way, we make things easier for everyone.

Our Services
Professional. Reliable. Productive.

Coast Guard Renewals
Instead of making you go through the trouble of filing paperwork, we take care of the exhausting task, ensuring it meets the US Coast Guard regulations. In addition, when the time for document renewals is near, we’ll notify you so you can act on time.

Designated Examiners
The safety of our personnel has been and will always be our top priority. For that reason, we have highly qualified designated examiners. They inspect vessels and equipment, review documentation, and test crewmembers to ensure their knowledge and comprehension of running a crew and a boat.

Our Crewmember
Rating System
Before hiring a crewmember, you want absolute surety that their performance will be up to the mark. In order to help you make a well-informed decision, we’ve developed a rating system.
Based on the rating system, companies will know who the best-performing crewmembers are. They can inform others whether the individual they hired did an outstanding or below-average job.
Apart from companies, our rating system proves beneficial for crewmembers as well. The personnel can use the reviews to improve their lacking areas and increase their chances of getting hired repeatedly.